APEC IIED|Certificate of Participation in Youth Training and Forums

APEC IIED Case Turing Certs

The APEC Institute of Innovation & Education Development (APEC IIED)

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989, chaired by Australian Prime Minister Robert Hawke, to become the primary economic forum for the Asia-Pacific region. It facilitates dialogue among government officials from all Asia-Pacific economies to promote economic growth and development in the region.

Recognizing Taiwan’s longstanding efforts and successes in human resources and education development projects within the APEC region, the APEC Institute of Innovation & Education Development (APEC IIED) was established in 2021. Its purpose is to accelerate innovative educational cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and strengthen partnerships with major international organizations to cultivate talent adapted to the digital era. APEC IIED also serves as Taiwan’s dedicated unit in the APEC Human Resources Development Working Group – Education Network (HRD-EDNET).

Why Turing Certs

Turing Certs has high international circulation, and the platform operation is intuitively simple, making it very easy to issue certificates!

IndustryInternational Organization
Organization Size13 countries
Scope of Application• APEC Youth Training Program and Simulation Conference
• Attendance certificates will be provided to overseas youth participants from 13 APEC economies.
Official Websitehttps://www.apeciied.org/
IntervieweeAlan Yen, Executive Secretary at APEC IIED
APEC IIED_Turing Certs

APEC IIED Member Photo (Provided by APEC IIED)

Challenges and Struggles

  • The participants’ certificates need to be provided in multiple languages, which requires a lot of manpower during the distribution
    APEC IIED often organizes Asia-Pacific international forums focusing on innovative education and talent development issues. Participants typically come from over 10 APEC member economies. The forums are held frequently, and after each forum, certificates in both Chinese and English are needed. This process demands a significant amount of manpower for printing and mailing, making the handling procedures cumbersome.
  • APEC promotes paperless initiatives
    Due to APEC’s active advocacy for implementing paperless strategies aimed at advancing digital transformation and enhancing economic efficiency, we are also seeking solutions that align with paperless requirements in our operational systems.

What is your favorite feature or aspect of Turing Certs?

  • One-stop Credential Management Platform
    A platform where “Forum Participation Credentials” can be issued to all member economies of APEC.
  • Blockchain Technology
    The use of innovative blockchain credentials for the issuance of credentials has garnered recognition and coverage from the Ministry of Education in Taiwan.

Client Testimonials

❝ For organizers like us, where the participant list can change until the last minute, the operation of Turing Certs is very user-friendly and flexible. There’s no need for printing schedules, and we’ve successfully achieved our goal of reducing the printing of paper certificates. ❞

– Alan Yen, Executive Secretary at APEC IIED

Alan Yen, Executive Secretary at APEC IIED